Semantic Object 3

Layout scheme: set on 'bounding' sphere

EXTERNPROTO semanticObject3 [ # this it the spherical

field MFFloat geoRange #[]
field MFFloat infoRange #[]
field MFNode geoLevel #[]
field MFNode infoLevel #[]

field SFBool hasLine
field SFBool constantSize
field SFBool periodicSize
field SFFloat anoscale
field SFBool clicktoHUD #FALSE
field SFBool clicktoOverlay #FALSE

field SFFloat obInfoOffset
field SFVec3f lineO

exposedField MFString link #[""]
exposedField MFString parameter #[""]
exposedField SFVec3f position #0 0 0
exposedField SFRotation rotation #0 0 0 0
field SFVec3f infoposition #2 1 0
exposedField SFColor linecolor #1 1 1
#field SFNode view Viewpoint {} # If we had only 1 view, the values could be eventOuts

eventOut SFInt32 activegeoLevel
eventOut SFInt32 activeinfoLevel
eventOut SFFloat modulatedSpeed # not used yet

eventOut MFNode auxinfo


PROTO code here

Example Usage
